Drug Devourer

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Drug Devourerthis was the name whispered about Elric Mervinger, the sole heir to a once-prestigious family of magic. Although Elric possessed great talent, his power was too immense to control, preventing him from learning magic. However, Elric soon discovered a secret blessing left by his ancestors – the ability to consume demons for their power.One day, Elric stumbled upon Mephisto, a demon trapped by a dragon’s curse. Sensing Elric’s gift, Mephisto promised to share his power if freed. When Elric agreed, Mephisto attempted to possess him, but Elric ended up absorbing the demon instead. Now bound together, Mephisto complained endlessly in Elric’s mind while granting him dark magic.With Mephisto’s aid, Elric could avenge his family and restore their status. Yet he feared the demon might devour his soul. Elric sought a way to banish Mephisto but keep the magic.During his studies, Elric came across an old manga describing the ancient Mervinger wizards. It spoke of a ritual which could extract a demon’s power without possession. The ritual required a magic-canceling potion and the heartsblood of a dragon.Elric knew only one mage clever enough to make such a potion – his childhood friend, Viola. Though estranged from Elric after he lost his magic, Viola agreed to help for old times’ sake. They set off to hunt a dragon, eventually battling a fearsome fire drake in its lair. Barely victorious, they harvested the still-warm heartsblood.Returning home, Viola concocted the potion while Elric prepared to face Mephisto. Drinking the potion, Elric began the ritual. Mephisto shrieked as his power was drawn into a crystal, leaving the demon banished at last.With Mephisto gone, Elric gazed at the pulsing crystal. His magic and family honor were restored, but at the cost of Viola’s aid and trust. Elric knew that while Drug Devourer was no more, his work was just beginning. To truly redeem his family name, Elric must leave behind past mistakes and become the leader his people deserved. The path ahead would be long, yet with faith and perseverance, the Mervinger legacy could rise again.
